This sign made of twigs which fell in our yard hangs over the front door of our backyard cabin.

The 10'x16' frame was built and assembled on site by local Amish builders. My husband and father-in-law finished the inside which serves as an extra bedroom and get-away. It is decorated in a Christmas theme year 'round. My husband stained the cabin and added the deck with bench to the front of it.

This is one side view, accented by transplanted white roses which twine around a cushionless wrought-iron settee.

Around the back, a transplanted mulberry tree (not identified when we planted it) is kept trimmed back frequently to control its size. The clematis to the right blooms beautifully;
hosta, day lilies and sedum fill the flower bed.

The other side of the cabin hosts a couple of wash tubs which make convenient summer bathtubs for visiting grandchildren.

The old bed springs attached to rebar serve as a see-through frame, hung with an invitation to "SIMPLIFY".

Close ups of a few features that surround the cabin...