Return to Blue Cast Springs

Always SOMEthing to see (and do)!

An Eye Feast

 Warmer weather today makes me thankful
I "captured" these scenes with my cell phone's camera...
A drive to nearby Winona Lake to fetch some books
 took us up this incredibly beautiful lane.
A feast for the eyes!

Silent Morning

It's there!  Just above the building...framed by the larger branches.
My husband called my attention to the "moon-set" this morning....
so peaceful and still in the almost monochromatic outdoor scene. 
I'm SO thankful for the quiet and peaceful Christmas season I'm experiencing. 
Very little hustle and bustle. 
Few artificial distractions. 
Almost perfect. Sigh.

View from the Front Porch

While the snow goes about its business,
I read gardening posts guided by links in my blog's sidebar.
Stunned by the philosophical tone of THIS one, I stop and ponder.
Then I comment:
Do you intend to be so philosophical or does it just "happen"?  Cases in point:
*It is in my best interest to be patient.
*The more of the Lush I let decompose, the easier they are to find.
*The garden's bones are growing. I get to see them clearly in the barren time.

Other People's Houses

 Just a few outdoor scenes from the beautiful Williams-Woodland 
 Annual Christmas Housewalk...
 This event is always a highlight of our year,
and this year was no exception.
 Temperatures were cold and dropping
but didn't diminish our enjoyment!
 On the way home, I asked Gary to stop the car
so I could take this picture of Jehl's Barn.
It was a fitting climax to our night.
 We drove into our driveway to the sight of our own house and shed
illumined by the simple spotlights we are using this year
instead of the old little white lights...
 Good Night, Moon!

Come Before Winter

 If you come before winter....
 I must warn you!
 It's dismal
 and bare around here.
 It's a season I just can't get enthused about.

Slowly we are getting things either covered under tarps
 or tucked away into every available space in our shed.
I just dread winter except for snowy scenes...
and even those viewed primarily from inside a warm house.
Yes, I am a wimp.