A Place to Return to.....

 I only had minutes to see this incredible place.
My daughter insisted I stop in before the wedding she was attending
 at this rural property.
 I wasn't dressed for the wedding and had a sleeping grandchild in the car,
 so I only saw enough to know
 this is a place to return to!
This isn't even a FRACTION of the fascinating scenes
in this northeastern Indiana garden.
It's definitely MY kind of place.
(If you like this kind of style, you really ought to click on the photos
 to enlarge 'em and see more details....)


  1. I can tell that I would love it too!

  2. Lovely setting and setup. Lots of love and time put into those areas.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. I love the bright blue accents.

    1. I didn't beGIN to photograph all the "accents"! There was a fire pit with vintage metal chairs around it - various shades of blue.... THAT I remember.
