
 There's really no getting around THIS part of maintaining one's flower beds...
and he's been hard at it this week!

Another bed....Another day
 The results have been gratifying.

As some have said:
Crabgrass can grow on bowling balls in airless rooms, and there is no known way to kill it that does not involve nuclear weapons.  ~Dave Barry

I always think of my sins when I weed.  They grow apace in the same way 
and are harder still to get rid of.  ~Helena Rutherfurd Ely, A Woman's Hardy Garden, 1903

But make no mistake:  the weeds will win; nature bats last.  ~Robert M. Pyle

Weeds are nature's graffiti. ~Janice Maeditere

They know, they just know where to grow, how to dupe you, and how to camouflage themselves among the perfectly respectable plants, they just know, and therefore, I've concluded weeds must have brains.  ~Dianne Benson, Dirt, 1994


  1. I love your quotes about the weeds :) Sometimes we think it's weed but we find out they have a medicinal effect.

    Beautiful photo's

  2. Great weed quotes! I think that's the worst part of gardening.

  3. Your beds are looking very nice! I have no weeds in my garden. I intentionally grow dandelions, crabgrass, chickweed, etc. among the other plants to attract pollinators and beneficial insects. (Did you believe it even for a second?) It seems like weeding is never ending!

  4. Great quotes! I like the one about them being nature's graffiti. Larry takes out dandelions when he sees them, but I don't like him pulling weeds here, because he doesn't always know which are the weeds and which are the plants.
