Well, Not OUR Garden...

 We spent part of Mother's Day checking out the Extension Gardens not so far from our home.
 It was exciting to see the expanded and new flower beds!
 The Master Gardeners who maintain this beautiful spot have already been hard at work!
 I've gotta get me some of this!  Siberian Bugloss.
The fine, blue flowers absolutely charm me.
 The fragrance of the viburnum was SO sweet...
 the poppies vibrant in color...
the trees dressed in their finest!


  1. I love going through these kinds of gardens. They give me all sorts of ideas!

  2. We do, too, Mari! It is also helpful in identifying plants. For example, we have 3 viburnum bushes - didn't know what they were before.

    It's interesting to visit frequently to see the progress, etc.

  3. It looks like a great place to visit and get ideas for new plants. Love the poppies.
