Mid-June Walk-About

 Things are changing so rapidly in our flower beds!
 Some things go...
 others come.
 (Have I asked for help before identifying the plant above?
If I get the name of it, I'll put it in my sidebar so I can remember it!)

 Rusty stuff always finds its way into our beds!
Above, an old Christmas tree stand;
below a rake head.
 And I guess you notice that I like the variegated varieties of hosta and sedum...
I'm still trying to figure out a place for this mirror.
I think it's destined to wander.
Enjoy YOUR day in YOUR yard and garden.  Time is flying by!


  1. Rebecca, your plant is a White Nancy Lamium some call it deadnettle. Spreads by the roots so around here some plant it in pots.

    I thought I lost my beautiful red Rebecca clematis but I finally spotted some new growth this am - Yeah!

  2. THANK YOU, MARSHA! (That sounds familiar. I'm pretty sure I asked this before and mislaid the information.) I'm going to see if you post pictures of your Rebecca clematis. I HAVE seen Rebecca daisies (they're bright white) and love them!

  3. Your garden is looking wonderful! It's hard to believe that it's already the middle of June! Where does the time go? I love the use of mirrors in gardens and am excited to see where yours ends up!

  4. Your garden looks charming with those hostas. I love hostas with their beautiful leaves but I do not know why I cannot have them growing in my garden. Probably it is a question of soil and exposition.
    Your clematis are magnificent and I like the idea of a mirror in a garden.

    Bonjour de France


