Mystery Solved!

Who knew? Wanda first! But I looked up just Celandine and it didn't look like what I have here. Then, I followed up Kathy's tip about Greater Celandine. Mystery solved. Not only that, but apparently I have a medicine cabinet growing in my flower bed!  Thank you, gardening friends!

According to one source (Health Benefits of Organic Greater Celandine) this invasive plant has some of these benefits!

* Stimulates production of bile in the liver
* Encourages production of enzymes by the pancreas
* Promotes cleansing and detoxification of the liver
* Motivates a sluggish gallbladder
* Can help relieve spasms in the gallbladder
* Acts as a mild sedative to soothe the body
* Helps prevent respiratory difficulties
* Provides relief for abdominal cramping, nausea, and other symptoms of indigestion

Questions: Why didn't I know this BEFORE my gallbladder was removed?! And would you dry it and steep it in hot water as in "tea" to get the benefit?

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