Is This Cheating?

I'm sure you can figure out that these aren't real.  We don't have a lot of flowers for cutting in our yard.  This is my answer.  Is it too tacky?  You can be honest.


  1. I don't think it is tacky at all. When I lived in Alabama I had whole window boxes full of silk flowers since the fire ants kept me from gardening. I didn't care what my neighbors thought I just liked the color and if it makes you happy and doesn't harm anyone, go for it.

  2. Thank you Tina AND Sandy. (I loved that quiet meek voice, Sandy!)

  3. Yes, it's cheating Rebecca, but I've done it too! We once had a barrel of impatients one year 'waaayyy' down at the end of the drive, very hard to that barrel had bunches of real looking artificial white flowers after that!

  4. Though I don't use artificial flowers, I don't find this "tacky" at all. True story: My mother has two seriously HUGE, antique garden planters in her front yard. One year, the perennials they hold did not bloom to her liking. She "installed" artificial flowers in the planters, stating she would entice the perennials to come forth as they would be "jealous" of these "young'uns."

    Well, no exaggeration, within a short time, those planters were filled to the brim with the most beautiful blooms I can ever recall seeing there! The artificial "decoys" were removed, making room for the real deal. Sometimes, mother does know best :-)

  5. Jean, I love your mother! She's my kind of woman :)
