Whimsically Speaking...

Yesterday, my husband placed this newly repaired & repainted cardinal atop our arbor. 
Other "whimsy" in our yard include the butterflies placed on this old bed spring.  Underneath, the sign says "SIMPLICITY".
Concluding today's whimsical tour, this bottle on a bar....
Hmmmmm....I thought I'd taken a picture of our bottle tree!  Guess I'll have to review my photo file! 
Do you have whimsy in YOUR yard?


  1. Love the bed springs garden art! What a hoot! Today I've been out whaling away on the blackberries, cleaning out uninvited weeds and vines. You are my inspiration, Rebecca. Please keep posting pictures.

  2. Love the cardinal!! It looks perfect up there.. love your garden - so pretty..

    Patrina <")>><

  3. I've been walking through your garden posts here, very restful, very beautiful! Thanks for sharing you little piece of paradise!
    Love to you, Eileen

  4. The "SIMPLICITY" sign made me smile, Rebecca.
    Very clever!

  5. Nice art work !!
    I can see people sharing their garden. Wonder about taking pictures?

  6. What a sweet garden! I love all the whimsy and you can tell you love your garden very much. I bet even the neighbors enjoy it. Is it okay if I post a link to this post on my blog? If so let me know by email or on my blog. ramseytina5@gmail.com Thanks!
