Woe is Me

After a rather serious case of poison ivy 
following my weeding frenzy Friday morning, 
I'm sticking to yard art this morning.

 I'll figure out what to do about the poison ivy
that has popped up in our flower beds another day.
Any suggestions?

Meanwhile, I hide from my public.  
My face is not a pretty one!


  1. I don't have any ideas for you, but sorry about the poison ivy. I've never had it, but I know it's miserable!

  2. So sorry Rebecca! We have a large area in the woods that is heavily carpeted with poison ivy! I'm not allergic to it, but a couple of the grandkids are, there are shots one can receive for treatment, especially if it's on the face! There's also a spray for eradicating it from the flower bed.

  3. Hi Rebecca - Brush Buster is one option and there are other poison ivy specific products at whatever garden center you use. It may take more than one application, but you can get rid of it. So sorry you have it on you. I use to get it all the time and it was terrible. Seems like I remember something about a thick oatmeal paste on it helps dry it out. But there are plenty of products to help you too. I hope your poison ivy will be gone soon.

  4. Thanks, friends. I did go to Dr. today because of so much swelling around my eyes. He suggested a shot and I took it. This is the first I've doctored for poison ivy. I'll work to eradicate the weed in a day or two.
